Retail Media
Year Founded:

VTAGZ by Mammoth, is a Direct-to-Retail SaaS Platform for brands in retail to gain valuable insights into their marketing efforts, understand consumer sentiments, and effortlessly enhance connections with them. Utilizing granular attribution, first-party data, and direct consumer connectivity, VTAGZ empowers brands to navigate the consumer landscape in retail with precision.

Leadership team:

Benoit Vatere, CEO
Solene Schwartz, COO
Lewis Simmons, CPO (Product)
Talia Kocar, CMO
Jason Hayward, CRO
Chase Ross, CFO
Nicholas Riley, CTO

Client Base:
Liquid Death, Lemon Perfect, MALK, G-FUEL, Casa Azul, Stella Rosa Wines, Goodwipes, ZenWTR and Lifeway Organics
Key Differentiators:

Primary Focus on Social to Retail: While we support various marketing and advertising methods like display, out-of-home, experiential events, and in-store promotions, our core expertise lies in social. Our roots in content creation and influencer strategies, originally under Mammoth Media, have evolved into the VTAGZ platform. This evolution allows us to provide brands with precise attribution and seamless consumer connectivity, helping answer the crucial question: β€˜Is my content driving sales?’

Versatile Solutions for All Stages: We offer tailored solutions for brands at any stage of their lifecycle. Whether in the early stages seeking growth or mature brands looking to scale, our environment supports and enhances their journey. Our pricing model is unique, tied to actual receipts processed rather than rebates claimed, ensuring cost-effectiveness and transparency.

Comprehensive Functionalities in One Platform: We provide a complete suite of functionalities in a single platform, eliminating the need to stitch together multiple solutions. Our first-party data offering goes beyond mere receipt images; we provide a raw data export that can be seamlessly integrated with your data teams, enabling deeper insights and more effective decision-making.

Key Contact(s):

Benoit Vatere

Talia Kocar